Newsletter Q4 2014

Happy New Year! We start the year with good news. First, Pamela Weldon has been named Operations Manager in addition to her Senior CSA role (Client Service Administrator). Ashley Buffone has been promoted to Senior CSA. Client feedback has consistently reflected our very positive day-to-day interactions with these two professionals. We rely on their good judgment and diligence daily and are pleased with their continuing development; they are both a joy to work with, and they support each other so well. At our front desk and on the phone, you will now find Justine Carr has joined us as a CSA. Justine comes to us from State Street Bank where she was a Client Service Specialist and the point of contact for a large number of investment managers. Prior to joining State Street, Justine graduated from the University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth with a B.S. in Finance, minoring in International Business.

Newsletter Q3 2014

We are very excited to share with you that Shorepoint is approaching our Five Year Anniversary! Luis and I started working together in the aftermath of the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression. During the last five years, we have tripled the number of clients we serve, while the amount of assets we manage has risen by more than five fold. Luis and I are very thankful – to you, our clients and colleagues, for the support from our families, and to our stellar team, rounded out by Brian, Pam and Ashley. We understand that this growth has been a collaborative achievement, and we are very grateful for the confidence and support we have received along the way. We will remain focused on continuing to deliver on our commitments in the years to come and we will always strive to serve our clients better.

Newsletter Q2 2014

We would like to welcome former Orienteer Financial clients to Shorepoint Capital Partners, and we look forward to working with you. We are also very pleased that Brian C. Keating, CFP®, founder of Orienteer Financial, is joining the Shorepoint team as a Senior Wealth Manager. Brian brings over two decades of financial planning and investment management experience to our firm. Our group is dedicated to providing people with advice for their financial planning and investment needs in thoughtful and simple terms. Our enjoyment of our work and colleagues (further enhanced by Brian’s presence) will be evident to you and provide you with a resource for input that is dependable, creative, and prudent. With that said, we always welcome feedback on how we can serve you better.

Newsletter Q1 2014

The first quarter results broke from the steady and above average returns of 2013. As we expected, volatility increased significantly and we experienced a 6% correction in February followed by a move up to record high levels before a slight retreat at quarter-end. Volatility increased due to several concerns:

  1. Emerging markets economic slowdown and currency weakness
  2. The Federal Reserve/tapering
  3. “Elevated” equity valuations
  4. Mixed economic data
  5. The upheaval in Ukraine, which led to a roller coaster ride in the equity markets

Newsletter Q4 2013

2013 was a year of tremendous resilience in domestic equity markets. The equity markets seemed to ignore the rapid rise in interest rates last spring due to the expected Federal Reserve “Fed” tapering and the government shutdown in the fall. Instead it focused on the improving, stable global economies as domestic stock markets reached record levels. The overriding issue for 2013 was if/when/how much the Fed would pull back on the quantitative easing (“QE”) program by reducing the amount of bond purchases and the unknown consequences to financial markets. The Fed’s announcement in December that they were finally going to reduce monthly bond purchases by $10 billion was met with a muted response by investors as the “taper” had already been priced into equity markets. However, interest rates continued to rise in the fourth quarter, with the 10-year U.S. Treasury interest rate touching 3% in December. We believe that the tapering will be a constant source of concern and volatility for markets in 2014 as the expected and necessary Fed unwinding of quantitative easing will take the world into uncharted territory.

Newsletter Q3 2013

Despite continued uncertainty about the health of the global economy and the future of monetary policy, U.S. stocks reached all-time highs in the third quarter before pulling back slightly in September. The market’s focus was on the Federal Reserve (“Fed”) again this quarter with the expectation that the Fed would start reducing bond purchases after its September meeting. However, to the market’s surprise, the Fed decided to maintain the current buying program. The Fed cited mixed economic data and the uncertainty around the fiscal issues – government budget and debt ceiling deadline – as the primary reasons for not tapering. The market reaction was a spike in volatility for both stocks and bonds. The yield on the U.S. Treasury 10 year bond gyrated wildly during the quarter, starting at 2.5%, almost reaching 3%, and then finishing at 2.6%.

Newsletter Q2 2013

As investor complacency increased throughout the second quarter, significant volatility returned by the end of the quarter to the equity, bond and commodity markets. The sell-off was prompted by the Federal Reserve’s release of their June minutes “hinting” at a possible pullback on its unprecedented low-rate policy. Especially hard hit were bonds and dividend-paying stocks. Even with an equity correction of over 5% in the last five weeks of the quarter, most equity markets still managed to post positive returns with the major exception being emerging market equities.

Newsletter Q1 2013

2013 started where last year left off with the Dow Jones Industrial average booking its best first quarter since 1998. As pundits worried about the impending disaster of going off the “fiscal cliff”, domestic equities raced ahead to produce double-digit returns in the quarter. Mid caps (S&P Mid Cap 400 Index +13.5%) and small caps (S&P Small Cap 600 Index +11.8%) led the way while large caps (the S&P 500 Index +10.6%) were close behind.

Newsletter Q4 2012

In the fourth quarter, equity markets generally finished in positive territory but retreated towards the end of December as fiscal cliff negotiations in Washington D.C. bogged down with no resolution in sight. International equity markets, developed (MSCI EAFE Index) and emerging (MSCI Emerging Market Index), had the strongest quarterly returns, up 6.6% and 5.6% respectively.

Newsletter Q3 2012

After experiencing a 10% correction in the second quarter, equity markets rebounded sharply and largely ignored a multitude of concerns such as the global economic slowdown, the European sovereign debt crisis and growing tension in the Middle East. The resilience in equity markets was evident as international stocks outpaced domestic stocks with developed markets +6.9% and emerging markets +7.7% – both up over 10% year-to-date…