Portfolio Management

We Control Risk By Minimizing Downside In Portfolios

Our portfolio management process helps our clients achieve their goals while minimizing cost and risk. In-house research, a strong sell discipline and individual stock ownership gives us more control over risk and cost in client portfolios.

Finance trade manager analysing stock market indicators for best investment strategy, financial data and charts with business buildings in background

Portfolio Management

We Control Risk By Minimizing Downside In Portfolios

Our portfolio management process helps our clients achieve their goals while minimizing cost and risk. In-house research, a strong sell discipline and individual stock ownership gives us more control over risk and cost in client portfolios.

  • Asset Allocation

    We customize each client’s strategic asset allocation based on their long-term objectives and risk tolerance. We will further customize the allocation of different accounts to tie into the overall allocation based on taxes, time horizon and other factors.

    We use tactical asset allocation to take advantage of short-term market opportunities and rebalance each client’s total portfolio, while managing cost through low turnover and smart tax-impact choices.

  • Diversification

    A diversified investment strategy provides opportunity for extra return and helps lower the risk of the overall portfolio. Most client portfolios hold 30-40 stocks representing a broad range of sectors.

  • Margin-of-safety Purchases

    Based on our in-house research, we identify stocks of established companies with good income and earnings potential that are trading below their intrinsic value. Buying “low” builds in a margin of safety that favors potential for upside gain and protects against downside surprises.

  • Well-defined Sell Discipline

    This helps us capture positive returns, harvest tax gains and losses, and manage portfolio risks like overconcentration. We will sell a security—always with tax implications in mind—when any of the following conditions are met:

    • Appreciation creates an outsized position in the client account.
    • Company fundamentals deteriorate.
    • Earnings potential no longer justifies price.
    • Analysis uncovers “stock warning signs.
    • Better opportunities exist.
  • Low Turnover and Smart Tax Management

    Low portfolio turnover—about 25% in most client accounts—helps keep costs down. We use year-round tax loss harvesting and other tax-sensitive investment strategies to help our clients manage their year-to-year tax objectives.

Stock Warning Signs

We constantly monitor your core equity holdings for “stock warning signs” like senior management changes, accounting or regulatory issues, substantial earnings restatements or increasing debt.

If a holding is no longer attractive, we will reallocate assets to a more promising position.

Contact Shorepoint Capital

Find an experienced and independent investment advisor who will tailor a common-sense investment strategy to meet your goals. Let us help you achieve your financial objectives with a personalized approach.

Contact Shorepoint Capital

Find an experienced and independent investment advisor who will tailor a common-sense investment strategy to meet your goals. Let us help you achieve your financial objectives with a personalized approach.